The Beginning Stages

WARNING!! The pictures you are about to see are the beginning stages of our Grade A milk barn renovation. You will not like what you see, but you will be amazed as our hard work progresses. Are you ready? Here we go!

All pictures were taken before any work was done.

Dimensions: 70 feet by 30 feet. The barn had not been used for nearly 25 years for anything but storage and my husband’s personal mechanical garage.





DSC_1468This area is known as the holding pin. Now, I call it my garage. It has since been cleaned out with an 8’x8′ water heater/storage room added. Gallery Blue tin from All-Steel located in Gepp, AR, has been put around this whole open area to keep weather out. We had to replace half of the roof tin, which is now Cocoa Brown, also from All-Steel. Pictures of the tin to come in later blog posts.

More posts to come of before the renovation!

-Tiffany E.



